A Different Kind of Sight

I found out today that the habit I’ve picked up in the past couple of months is called doomscrolling. Even if the term is new to you, as it was to me, you can probably guess the meaning. And perhaps you, too, have picked up this habit, as the events of each day — along with people’s astonishing reactions to them — fill up your news feed and capture your attention, even as every new item you scroll through heaps disbelief and dread on your already anguished heart. 

It’s hard to see as coincidence, then, that the verse for this week’s reflecting has to do with our attention. At the end of one of his most treasured encouragements in the midst of suffering, Paul says, “So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen” (2 Cor 4:18). Looking at the troubles: doomscrolling? 

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