
‘The Beauty of the Body and the Ascension’ // Scottish Journal of Theology

‘Seek Above Us’ // Comment Magazine

Learning to See with Norman Wirzba // Mere Orthodoxy Magazine

Come and Look: Lilias Trotter, The Artist’s Vocation and the Mission of God // Plough Quarterly

Beauty series // Gentle Reformation

Reading Emily Dickinson with Job // Mere Orthodoxy

Heaven and Earth and In Between // Fathom Magazine

Catching our Reflections in the Lives of our Children // Risen Motherhood

Plum Harvest // The Curator

Providing space for women: academia, ministry // The Melbourne Anglican

All articles at Velvet Ashes

Songs of Disruption // Gentle Reformation

The Better Portion // Gentle Reformation

Formed by Lament // Gentle Reformation

The Priesthood of all Believers in the Face of Racism // Morning by Morning

The Gospel of Progress and Transformation in Christ // Morning by Morning

COVID 19: A Prolonged Sabbath in a Culture of Productivity // Morning by Morning

A Goodness We Can’t Keep to Ourselves // Morning by Morning

Mending // Redbud Post

God Breathed: Book Review // Servants of Grace