Genesis Reading Guide

I’m pretty thrilled to share with you the fruit of many months of labor: a Scripture reading guide to take you through Genesis, chapter by chapter. 

An explanation on why I wrote and how to use the book can be found in the book itself, but I do want to briefly answer the questions, what is this? and who is it for?

What is this? It’s a reading guide for Genesis. Taking each chapter one at a time, it gives a plan for reading, a reflection, discussion questions, and a concluding prayer. 

Who is it for? When I started writing I mainly had my family in mind — we used it for our family worship time. After we went through it as a family, I decided to add in discussion questions, and these are oriented towards older kids (8+) and adults, rather than young ones. There are heaps of resources for the littles, and so I wanted to create something for older kids. BUT it is not only for families. I wrote it with the idea that an adult would be able to adapt it and use it on his/her own. 

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